Day of the Dead

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Honoring Ancestors, Celebrating Life

Casa Círculo Cultural and the San Mateo County History Museum and in collaboration with the Redwood City Parks & Arts Foundation, are proud to bring to Redwood City a Día de los Muertos Celebration.

The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico on November 1st and 2nd. These days, Mexican families go to the cemetery, visit the graves of their relatives, clean and maybe paint the grave, put flowers (marigolds or wonders), and light candles.

While Mexican American communities have celebrated the Day of the Dead for hundreds of years in the United States with personal, often religious, ceremonies, there has been an evolution in how the holiday is celebrated today.

The holiday as we see it today that has transformed into a true blend of cultures and voices to create a holiday that is as unique and powerful as the Chicanx community itself.

While many Mexican American families still celebrate the holiday with personal and sometimes religious traditions, a public celebration hosted by Casa Circulo Cultural has become Redwood City’s celebration of diversity and culture.

Participation Information

General Information

Where is the Day of the Dead Celebration?

Day of the Dead Celebration is in downtown Redwood City’s Courthouse Square on Boardway St between Hamilton St and Middlefield Rd.

When is the celebration?

November 3rd, 2024. Although the Day of the Dead is traditionally celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of November. This celebration is always on the first Sunday of November.

What time/where does ‘X’ artist go on stage?

The full lineup and schedule will be available closer to the celebration date on the website.

Exhibitiors & Food Vendors

For all inquiries regarding securing a booth, paying for spots, and completing food and health compliance forms, please get in touch with Maritza Gazca at


The 2024 application for performers will open as the date approaches.


We appreciate your sponsorship in supporting Casa Circulo Cultural’s mission. Help us make this year’s Day of the Dead celebration unforgettable by funding art installations, performances, and community awards. Your contribution will continue this cherished tradition and enrich our community’s cultural fabric.

Our 2024 Day of the Dead Celebration Sponsorship Packet is available for download here:

2024 DOD Celebration Sponsor Package


We appreciate your willingness to help make the Day of the Dead event successful and look forward to working with you!

If you have any questions or need more information, please get in touch with Maritza Gazca at  or Iris Lezama at

Sign up: To sign up as a volunteer for the Day of the Dead event, please click here and complete the registration form.


Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities

1. Set Up Decorations and Altars (Inside and Outside)

Description: Assist in setting up traditional altars and decorations inside and outside the museum. This will include placing flowers, candles, and other items that honor the Day of the Dead traditions.
Requirements: Ability to lift light to moderate objects, creativity, and an understanding of the cultural significance of the decorations.


2. Exhibition Setup

Description: Helped arrange the exhibition space, ensuring all items were correctly placed and displayed. Attention to detail and a careful approach are required.
Requirements: Attention to detail, ability to follow guidelines for exhibit arrangement.


3. Event Support

Description: Provide general support during the event, including assisting guests, providing information, and ensuring the smooth operation of the event.
Requirements: Friendly demeanor, knowledge about the event, and ability to assist with various tasks as needed.

4. Face-Painting Booth

Description: Assist at the face-painting booth, helping to paint traditional Day of the Dead designs on guests. If you have artistic skills, you can also contribute by painting designs.
Requirements: Attend a workshop at Casa Circulo Cultural. Artistic ability, patience, and good communication skills are preferred.

5. Booth Setup and Breakdown

Description: Assist with the setup and breakdown of booths for various event activities. This includes arranging tables, chairs, and other necessary materials.
Requirements: Ability to lift moderate to heavy objects, organizational skills.


6. Food Management for Volunteers

Description: Manage food and refreshments for volunteers, ensuring everyone can havesnacks and meals throughout the event.
Requirements: Organizational skills, ability to handle food safely, friendly demeanor.


Volunteer Benefits

Community Service Hours: Receive a certificate for contributing to this cultural event.
Refreshments: Enjoy snacks and meals provided during your shift.
Networking: Meet other volunteers and community members passionate about cultural events.


Altar Festival Contest

Casa Circulo Cultural and The San Mateo County History Museum invite the community to participate in our Altar Festival Contest, a vibrant celebration of culture and tradition through altar making. This contest offers a unique platform to showcase your creativity, pay homage to your heritage, and engage with the rich tapestry of cultural diversity.

How to Participate:
Fill out an application online or in person at 3090 Middlefield Rd. Redwood City 94063. Include a brief description (max 200 words) explaining the inspiration behind your altar.

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: October 18 at midnight.
Judging Period: November 3rd, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Winners Announcement: November 3rd, 2024 at 7:00 PM

First Place: $ 100.00 and a basket of goodies Second Place: $ 75.00 and a basket of goodies Third Place: $ 50.00 and a basket of goodies.

Altars must be original creations and not previously exhibited elsewhere. Altars can be of any size or dimension but must be safely transportable for exhibition. Participants can enter in one or both categories. Submissions must be made within the specified deadline. Judges’ decisions are final.

How to Participate:
Altars will be showcased at San Mateo County History Museum during the week of November 3 to 9 , 2024.

This is an excellent opportunity to share your cultural heritage and art with the community. Join us in celebrating culture, tradition, and creativity through the Casa creativity through the Casa Circulo Cultural Altar Festival Festival. We look forward to a memorable and respectful Day of the Dead Celebration with you.

Click here for the Application

Click here for Altars Rules and Regulations


Concurso de Relatos de Vida (Spanish Life Stories Contest)

Este concurso busca celebrar y honrar la memoria de los seres queridos fallecidos a través de relatos que capturen sus historias de vida, valores y el impacto que dejaron en quienes los conocieron. Se valorará la autenticidad, la profundidad emocional y la conexión con las tradiciones familiares.

First Place: $ 100.00 and a basket of goodies
Second Place: $ 75.00 and a basket of goodies
Third Place: $ 50.00 and a basket of goodies

Fechas Importantes:
Fecha límite de presentación: 20 de octubre a medianoche.
Anuncio de los ganadores: 3 de noviembre de 2024, durante la celebración del DOD.

Los tres primeros lugares en versión narrativa en video, serán proyectados durante en el evento de Día de Muertos 2024 en el centro de Redwood City.
Los 10 primeros lugares de narración escrita serán publicados en el periódico impreso de Peninsula 360 Press.

Todas las entradas recibirán certificado por su contribución al evento.

Clic para información completa aquí


This contest aims to celebrate and honor the memory of deceased loved ones through stories that capture their life stories, values, and the impact they left on those who knew them. Authenticity, emotional depth, and connection to family traditions are valued.

First Place: $ 100.00 and a basket of goodies
Second Place: $ 75.00 and a basket of goodies
Third Place: $ 50.00 and a basket of goodies

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: October 20 at midnight.
Winners Announcement: November 3rd, 2024, during the Day of the Dead Celebration.

The top three places in the video narrative version will be projected during the 2024 Day of the Dead event in downtown Redwood City.

The top 10 places in written narration will be published in the printed newspaper of Peninsula 360 Press.
All entries will receive a certificate for their contribution to the event.

Click here for full details


Embracing the Cycle of Life and Death

Every year, we meticulously choose a theme or a region of Latin America deeply rooted in the ancient tradition of the Day of the Dead. 

This year’s theme draws from Rivera’s depiction of death in Mexican history, symbolized most prominently by La Catrina. Originally an etching by José Guadalupe Posada, La Catrina represents the idea that death is a universal equalizer, regardless of social status. In Rivera’s mural, she stands elegantly dressed, reflecting the Día de los Muertos tradition, where death is honored as an integral part of life’s cycle. The event will explore this interplay between life and death, deeply embedded in the Mexican cultural and social fabric.

Thank you to this year's sponsors: