Education & Empowerment
Casa Circulo Cultural's Offerings:
Adult Education

English Classes
This course is designed to teach individuals who are new to the English language the fundamentals of speaking, reading, and writing in English.
- DAYS: Tuesdays
- TIME: 6:30 – 8:00 PM
- INSTRUCTOR: Veronica Escamez
- COST: free of cost
Plaza Comunitaria
In partnership with Plaza Comunitaria and INEA (National Institute for Adult Education), we have opened CCC as a hub to support Spanish-speaking immigrants (aged 15+) who want to finish or begin their elementary and secondary education. This is a self-paced program where students will complete diagnostic tests to establish their comprehension levels, from which their participants will be assigned modules/packets to study and test their learning. After participants complete the program, they will receive a diploma from the Secretary of Public Education from Mexico.
- DAYS: Mondays,
- TIME: 6:00 -8:00 PM
- INSTRUCTORS: Liliana Acosta
- COST: free of cost

Vocational Skills

Computer Literacy
Beginner computer literacy classes for immigrants are programs designed to teach individuals with limited or no experience with computers how to use them effectively. Topics include keyboard and mouse skills and basic software applications like word processing and spreadsheets, email, and internet safety. The instructor will often provide hands-on training and practical exercises to reinforce the skills taught in class. Having computer literacy skills can also increase employability and access to various opportunities.
- DAYS: Mondays,
- TIME: 6:00 -8:00 PM
- INSTRUCTORS: Liliana Acosta
- COST: free of cost
Sewing & Design
This class can be an excellent opportunity for participants to learn the basics of sewing and how to create clothing and accessories. Creating something from scratch and seeing the finished product can provide satisfaction and pride in one’s work.
- DAYS: Saturdays
- TIME: 11:00 – 12:00 pm & 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- COST: $40.00 per month (4 classes)

Leadership & Civics

Latinas In Action
Women in underserved communities face struggles that men don’t. Moreover, Latinx women are much more likely to live in poverty than their counterparts. Many times they lack the education, experience, and skills – even the self-confidence – to pursue a gainful and stable income; thus, the Latina immigrant has the immense potential to improve her economic situation, as well as that of her family, and become an agent of change.
- DAYS: Mondays,
- TIME: 6:00 -8:00 PM
- INSTRUCTORS: Liliana Acosta
- COST: free of cost
Youth Programs

Extended Learning Opportunities Program
Working in partnership with the Redwood City School District and its Community Schools, this after-school program provides meals, academic support, cultural arts enrichment, and recreational activities for all children.
- DAYS: Mondays,
- TIME: 6:00 -8:00 PM
- INSTRUCTORS: Liliana Acosta
- COST: free of cost
Saturday School
A full day of immersive learning in visual and performing arts, fitness, and well-being. Designed to provide youth with a well-rounded enrichment and education experience, the program nurtures creativity, physical health, and personal development.
- DAYS: Saturdays
- TIME: 11:00 – 12:00 pm & 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- COST: $40.00 per month (4 classes)

Summer Camp
Our summer camp is where memories are made. We will offer a seven-week Spanish immersion camp. Every week we will have a different theme with a combination of fun and interactive activities in the areas of arts & crafts, stories, writing, science, cooking, culture, and community. Registration is first come, first serve. We run our camps in small groups of up to 15 children every week, with one CCC teacher and one instructor assistant per group. There are no refunds for missed camp days.
- DAYS: Saturdays
- TIME: 11:00 – 12:00 pm & 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- COST: $40.00 per month (4 classes)